5 questions with... Sophie Hellyer

The first cold water woman to be featured in our series of ‘5 questions with…’ interviews


Photo credit: Colin Cooney (@surfaroundireland)

Photo credit: Colin Cooney (@surfaroundireland)

We met Sophie last summer at an Institute of Women Surfers (IWS) conference in Cardiff (find out more about IWS here). Formerly a competitive surfer, Sophie hung up her jersey to pursue her own humble passions and write the wrongs in the world. When she’s not planting trees on the cliffs of Moher, or taking a dip in the forgotten lidos of London, she can be found rising fierce in the cold waters of the wild Atlantic. We caught up with her between it all…

1. Hey, Sophie! For those who don’t know you, tell us a bit more about yourself…

I’m a surfer and a writer, among many other things - a cold water swimmer, environmentalist, feminist, producer, model and public speaker. I divide my time between the west coast of Ireland and central London. I was a British champion surfer when I was younger, however I don’t choose to compete any more. I’m passionate about protecting our oceans and empowering women. I want to help reshape the visual narrative of surfing, to create a more healthy, diverse and inclusive sporting culture. 

2. That’s really inspiring. How did you get into surfing? 

I started surfing when I was 13 or 14. I was lucky enough to grow up near the beach and my dad and sisters surfed so it was only natural for me to jump in the sea and join in

For me, being a cold water surfer is about embracing the winter and enjoying the elements.
— Sophie Hellyer

3. What does being a cold water surfer mean to you? 

I love the challenge that comes with the cold, the extremes, and how rewarding it can be when you score good waves with your mates on a quiet winters day. For me, being a cold water surfer is about embracing the winter and enjoying the elements.

4. Any favourite spots in winter? 

Yes, I love the spots near my home in west Ireland. There are some magic point breaks up and down the west coast.

5. What’s your routine pre & post surf when the temperatures drop? (Any favourite ways to keep warm?)

I ALWAYS have a dry wetsuit ha! I keep two suits on rotation so I always have a dry one, and I wear good boots, a hood and mittens. I get in and out of my suit as quickly as possible with the help of a dry robe. I always keep a flask of hot tea in my van, along with a wooly jumper and a hat for post-surf. Theres a sauna at the community swimming pool in my village and they do “surfers showers” so a lot of the time I get out of the surf, go straight to the hot shower in my wetsuit and jump in the sauna for 10 minutes. Warm and dry instantly! Spoilt, I know!

To find out more about Sophie, subscribe to her website, or follow her on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Photo credit: Jonny Weeks

Photo credit: Jonny Weeks

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